The new week is about to start... the last just ended:-) duh!
well my new mantra is 'you are not stupid, you're strong!, you're not stupid, you're strong!' I am trying to stop being stupid about something that I really just have to be strong about...:-(
So yesterday we went to the Carroll County wine festival instead of the one in Virginia... becoz we figured Carroll county was better. I was such a glutton! I ate crab cakes, butterfly potatoes, kettle corn, FRIED cheese cake...wow! Then we walked over hills and stuff, so i figured i had burnt all the bad calories... Then we went out to our fav sushi spot... where i stuffed my mouth with sushi, then ate chocolate cheese cake!
Then we went to miss p's house to see her matches on match.com! it was sooo much fun! I was banned from laughing at people's profiles! We also found 2 people that I didn't expect would be there... one was this one guy that I used to work with who claims he's like ten years younger than he really is coz h3e wants to find someone he can have a baby with:-) The other was for me to know and for you to find out...waaahhhh!
So miss p. suggested they get me a match profile for fun, then adds..."oh by the way, one lady met someone on match.com in florida and he raped her", so i'm like so you want me to get attacked too? lol... but really, i think i only liked one prifile of the 200 or so that I saw, and aint no way in hell i'm I joining and paying $30 to meet one person... because 30 bucks is 3 or 4 bottles of wine from cranbrook liquors! lololol... I am sooo funny aren't I? No seriously, I think I'm waayy past doctor Phil:-)
I have 2 places that I need to be at next weekend and I am uncertain which to do. The life of a social butterfly is not easy I tell ya... not easy!
So we all know I'm not good at therapeutic conversation at times right? this dude walks in and starts crying because his dog died and it's his 'best friend' and they just have to cremate and sprinkle the ashes in his favorite place..by this point I burst out laughing! I had to get someone else to take over! I really don't get this strange pet love. It's a PET, not a PERSON...aarrrgghh!!
Also you've all heard about the little madison kid that went missing in portugal right? seriously, why didn't they hire a baby sitter for the few hours they were out eating tapas? or even just bring the tapas over to the room and eat them there while the kids slept? hmmm...
the other thing of concern is that G.dabya has let me down! his new "bail the losers on variable interest rate loans deal" really sucks! In a recession, what you want is people to spend money... that little idea doesn't encourage people to spend money! He could have also suggested that the mortgage companys keep rates as is... such as if your payment was $2000 a month before interest rates went up and is now $3500, let them keep you back at $2000 (or a little over)which was the rate you could afford before. That way less houses get repossessed...less damage done.
In other news... zambia has started a loan system for people buying houses. That will be interesting as an experiment. Zimbabwe here we come! Oh and zimbabweans are also now serving chopped doggie for dinner! they have officially joined Nigeria and China in that cullinary delight! splendid!
Oh and I bought myself a mills and boon/ harlequin/ silhoutte novel! I am sooo excited! I will have few hours of romance! totally awesome!
eww about the dog meat!
Mills and Boon; how a-rogue-ant..
sangi:- lmao!
Z:- guess what? 2 more people asked what you asked about match.com and it's not them either! You guys are sooo funny!
Manena!!!!! oh my gosh gal the world is indeed small...WOW gal where in the world are you... this where is chixy... she got married and i missed it i could kill me...wow...i'm emotional right now....and Tukiya... where are y'all at... Luv Leah. leahmashele@acenet.co.za
Manena!!!!! oh my gosh gal the world is indeed small...WOW gal where in the world are you... this where is chixy... she got married and i missed it i could kill me...wow...i'm emotional right now....and Tukiya... where are y'all at... Luv Leah. leahmashele@acenet.co.za
you are crazy...thats all i can say:-) I blame all that wine you have been taking...LOL
QueenV:- OMG! I feel like my life has come full circle, it's like all my past life pals are popping up and it's wonderful...wait a minute I'm I dead??? lol!
Edgar:- My family probably agrees with you, but good therapists always say "blame her mother!" lol!
love, love, love the chitenge shirt.
mills & boon....ah the memories. I think I read my first one in grade 5 or 6. I was/am such a nerd.
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