I was planning to stay home all day Saturday in my knickers because I hadn't really made any plans to do much for st. paddy's. As with most of my plans, this one was shattered by 10am when my friend called to "inform" me that she was coming to get me and we were having lunch with other friends down town in Canton/ fells point. So ofcourse I had to quickly scramble to look for something green in my closet...not that the damned Irish ever wear the Zambian national colours in my honor on my birthday!...but when in Rome....do as.... so I settled for my favorite colour...BLACK...and threw on some emerald earrings and a matching necklace. That solved the matter. I was okay going because it was my brother's 21st birthday (ggoooooo deedo!), and I had a reason to drink...:)
So we get to my one rich friends house.....ooohhh...I was green with envy!!!! her house is on the water front, four stories, has a BAR, beautiful bathrooms...(and you all know I love my baths!), an amazing view from the roof top...I mean the tax alone for the place is $14 000 a year, and its value is set to go up. So I guess they are looking at almost 2 million dollars for the place by next year when the $1.5 million condos down the road are complete.
Any way, we left her house and went off down town...where parking is ridiculous especially on st paddy's. Well after several mugs of guinness...I can not tell you where we were. I know the one girls hubby is a bar tender at one of the places that we ended up at...so the drinks were free. It was a really cold day...but the place was full by noon. So you can imagine my state when I got home at 6pm to meet my aunt who came over to my place for a sleep over.
My aunt came bearing champaigne, steaks and a chocolate cake! Then we had the fire place "escapade"...which I shalln't speak of (lest my neighbors are reading) for a while, but to say...I wont be starting no more fires in the fire place for a looooooonnnggg time!
Any way...I need to go throw myself a party....so shalom...
the picture was taken last year or the year before, not sure which. I didn't take any paddy-pics this year:)
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