Okay...so i've been quiet for a while... I know! I have so much to say and soooo little time to say it in... but i'll try to cath up today or this weekend:)
So today is world AIDS day. Are you doing enough to protect others and stay protected? have you been tested? has your partner? do you speak to your children about about it? to your friends and lovers? is the word still taboo in your house hold? does it give you a bad feeling to hear the word? has it affected your family? are you scared?
The challenge is WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MAKE SURE MILLIONS MORE DON'T DIE FROM THIS? Kofi Annans world AIDS day message is for everyone to be held responsible to help curb this pandemic. To read more, go to the UNAIDS website.
something that I didn't know is that several major companies such as American Express, Emporio Armani, motorola, Gap...etc are doing things to raise awareness with their red collections of items...thats like awesome! I know they're capitalizing on the matter, and i'm not quite sure how much money they will donate to the cause, but this message was attched to google under their ad's...also to purchase these products go to http://joinred.blogspot.com/ and no ...I am not getting paid to do this... i just think its cool!
MEASU(RED) RESULTSThank you for purchasing (PRODUCT) RED items. (RED) sales in the US in the first six weeks since launch have raised enough money to:• Provide more than 40,000 men or women with ARV treatment for a year (Note: These treatments are only a small portion of a person’s overall treatment and represent just one year of lifelong treatment.)* Or• Provide more than 2 million peer educators with HIV training* Or• Provide a year’s worth of school materials and daily hot meals for more than 86,000 children orphaned by AIDS* Or• Provide more than 1 million Rapid Tests which detect HIV and deliver instant test results.**Note: These are estimates based on preliminary tracking. Actual contributions are calculated and managed on a quarterly basis
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