Okay, so i ended up watching the debate anyway...
Gravel at first seemed just well...senile, then he sort of started to make sense when he said "follow the money!" I also felt sorry for him, what's the point of being invited to speak in a debate when only a few people are chosen to speak?
Richardson scared me when he didn't seem to respond honestly to the question about traveling in a private jet...what he didn't know the difference btwn a private jet and united airlines??? urrrgh! politicians!
Obama:- (Sometimes I wonder if I'm watching the same program as other people!) when they asked him about soldiers dying in vain... he responded by saying that "they are doing what has been asked of them"...and also the other question abouut meeting with cuba, venezuela...ect and he said that talking to those countries is better than not talking...but someone said that he didn't respond to the question... well english is my third language so i probably didn't understand him, because to me the statement means if they are doing what is asked of them, then they have not died in vain, and yes trying to find common ground with the "axis of evil " Over all I think he did a pretty good job.
Clinton:- Edwards was right... the jacket was a no no for a presidential debate! It had a... kim Jong-Il effect...I wasn't feeling it! I also think she did well in the debate... the sme fluff and buff they say... but well thought out responses... i.e the question about talking to cuba et.al...
Dodd:- oh heeeellll noooo! how does that man have a kid in kindergarten?
Talking about aging people and children. I got my social security benefit explanation...or whatever it's called. So on what part it tells me I'm eligible for benefits if something happens to me and so are my kids and my husband. My parents would definately be screwed if i died...coz they get nothing! I do not understand why the American family is defined as 'husband, wife, children under 21.' Even jobs give youu benefits for only husband, wife, children...not for your parents. It doesn't make sense especially since many people take care of their aging parents and there is a high divorse rate in the country! Why can't I sign up for benefits for my parents at work? To me, immediate family includes parents no matter how old I am. When we age, we become like children and need someone to look out for our needs. The nursing home isn't family. Seriously. Okay I'm knackered, but you get my point innit??
Actually this debate changed my view of Hillary Clinton...am I the only one who thought she was poor?? She was too political in her approach. She didn't really look like she has a strategy beyond bashing Bush....
I was disappointed with Kucinich...or whatever the man is called....and Bill...oh Bill...what is doing there...
Its the first time I have watched Biden...I thought he was good and knew a lot of foreign policy....
Obama...was good...although I don't understand whats wrong with him..he is not combatitive enough...may be is trying to show the softer side of African americans..he needs to raise his game...but he is improving....
The best performer for me was Senator Edwards...he was honest and open...I would like to see an Obama / Edwards ticket...
Hey Cho!
It's great to know Englands watching:-) They are pretty fun debates don't you think? Yeah Hillary is very political down to the deliberately chosen pink jacket. If she does win, I think it will solely be because she's a woman...unfortunately:-)
Obama can't go ghetto right now because he's the next in line if Hill falls flat on her face or something.
Kucinich...:- yeah, he was a tad off for me, but he's got something to say... he just doesn't know how to say it yet. He's raw and needs refining if he wants a chance. I like what he has to say about healthcare (go to his website)
Edwards I think is good and has a chance... but in the light of his wife being in her last moments of cancer, I would think they would be enjoying their last days together in tahiti...or some place nicer than the campaign trail!
Yeah Biden is on to something... but he's not catchy enuff...:-)
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