Okay, so seriously, I didn't notice that I haven't posted in a week or so:-) and yes I have been receiving your messages to update...but i was just too busy...my brother's here...so we're bonding:-)
This past weekend we were in the Washington DC area and we also went to Virginia. We ofcourse went shopping and did the American thing on Sunday morning...IHOP! gosh I felt like a glutton! Tonight we're doing pizza...
Oh wait, I strained/ sprained my back at work friday...and my job depends on a good back, so pray that i heal fast okay? I asked for the day off tomorrow and left work early. I am such a foolish girl because i hurt myself friday (ironically I was working in pain management), and was playing about saturday and sunday knowing full well my back hurt. I also took my new contact lenses out for a spin...and silly me, i kept them in too long and my eyes felt funny:-) Come to think of it, i am not happy with the world being so clear...i miss the faded version i used to see without vision correction! in fact when i look in the mirror now, i am not as impressed as i usually am when i have no glasses on...but i'm still hot though!...lol!
Any way, the democrats are debating soon, hope i remember to watch it...well it's coming on at a time 2 and a half men will be, so i am trying to think what will entertain me more:)
Talking about politics... I seriously do not understand why health care for the poor is so mismanaged! I have been offered a case management job and i think it will depress me if i am not able to get funding for kids that can't get dental care or eye glasses and stuff because medicaid doesn't cover this and that...blah! I think it will do me a world of good to do it so i can learn to be more mindful of things.
Oh my God! I can't believe you're still alive!!! Where have you been???
ma setting!
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