DC united missed a lot of good shots, Emilio wasn't playing, but that's no excuse. We won, but they really could have done better that what they did today. Great defense. Charleston is full of big babies... they fell and "couldn't" get up several times. I was like just suck it up and take it like a man you whiney punks!

Oh the game was soooooo cool!!! Seriously... We had extra great seats...well we stood for most of the game coz we had to sing the whole time. My voice is so hoarse...never sung that much in my life...ahhhh we sang stuff about being the greatest...shitting on charleston...and something about puta's and vamos esta noche... and now I smell like beer and bonfires! They lit smoke thingy's and they spilt beer on us when we scored and when people felt like it... my hair is a mess. I had fun. The beer was $7 for a cup of miller lite, and $4 for bottled water. If that's not highway robbery, I don't know what is!

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