Any way, I had a great time this weekend and saw my cousin who for logistical reasons I haven't seen in about 10 years!

We also sat and chatted and watched family videos that were done 20 or so years ago! I was such a cute child...and it seems Half the people in the videos are dead now, but it was pretty cool to see them all having fun at the popular family parties we used to have. My dad is on one of the videos singing songs and i hadn't seen any moving footage of my dad since his that was pretty neat!
I got to cook some nshima after a zambian bridal shower...

The little girl made us some dessert... her own creation. Yum!

uka pakula makola sima, no mambonto ka? LOL !
I had to do it and I know it brought a smile to your face and YES it is very broken tumbuka...I do what I can :)
a nyakaira ni pakula makola nsima!! absolutely no mamboto!
you're making me crave Nshima and I have no corn meal in the house! You look very womanly at that stove!
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