I know I am not the only one that has noticed that days seem to be longer in Zambia than they are in the USA. I remember waking up at 8a.m to run errands and I would be done by noon and twiddling my thumbs! Now here, I wake up at 8a.m and I am still late for things and I am never done by evening. Maybe its coz there's more to see and the bush girl in me likes to go sight seeing in the city...but it just amazes me that I always ran out of time!!
Friday, we went out for Lady P's birthday to our favorite spot www.sushihanatowson.com Yummy yummy sushi...so fresh and tender I could have some now! The service wans't as good as usual, the towels we'ren't as warm as usual and dinner came late...but it was worth the wait!
I came home with a new motto..."do not wait to celebrate" isn't that so cool? I thought of it myself! So following that new joie de vivre...I popped open a bottle of champaign that has been waiting for a "special" occassion in my fridge and I figured now is a good time as ever to celebrate...ME! For if i do not celebrate my life...who will? the clocks-a tickin' and i aint got no children...except for my 2 year old niece, who i might cut out of my will because a) she has been refusing to come to the phone and say hi to me recently and b) I think she STOLE my mommy...!!! So I will be proud of my achievements by my lonesome!
I threw myself a party saturday...great turnout!!! Spent ages on the phone as usual and sunday I over indulged in rich chocolate cake slabs and slabs of it and I need to eat ice-cream. I also got to eat some kabobs and grape leaves from www.cafeisis.com ...not impressive! I wish I could have a real scharwama...like the ones from northmead...not the most common egyptian ones that come on pita bread...thats sooo yucky!
I will be working the whole of this week which sucks, coz my co-worker has to go away...so I am not a happy camper.
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