The weekend is over too soon yet again...well not for me...but for the rest of you:) I am back to my normal schedule of wednesday to friday--yes. 3 lovely work days a week only. Such bliss! I have actually been working on some policies and procedures at work, and any one that has done that can tell you how tedious it is. So in my defense, I do deserve the 4 days off thing. Its funny someone at work complained that I don't talk much. Verily I say to you co-worker...once you get me started, I will never stop! Ask those that *know* me. The people at my last job swore they created a monster:)
So lets see, friday I hosted pizza and wine night, quite nice really. We had pizza from isiscafe.com because i was in the mood for brick oven pizza and their hummus is just slurping good! I would make a ridiculous food critic I know! Afterwards it was off to Bethesda where I spent most of my weekend. I would like to say I was productive today...but I would be lying...and it is sunday, so i'll pretend nothing happened. J and I spent several hours people bashing. Who knows? we might have bashed you too!!! other than that, I guess I've just been farting and picking my nose:)
So based on the title of this blog, I need all the luck I can get. I am about to do something, which hopefully wont cost much...oh talking about cost I just realized I haven't seen my mummy in a whole year*...sob...sob...sniff* She was supposed to come this year because she got a full scholarship to Georgetown University, and she turned it down because she wont be allowed to work on her visa. Well she hasn't responded yet, but she pretty much told me she's too old to be sitting around. I told her she can work on campus...but I think she's too scared to leave Zed for long periods though she can't face it. Oh did I tell you I free lance as a psychiatrist?:) lol...that's only coz I hang out with too many retards!
Talking about retards...I don't care what you say...I will always be cautious around Germans and Boers! Yes M.W, I'm watching you too, even though you're only quarter German. My people aren't safe around y'all:) lol, let me stop!
As you can tell I am dead bored, I am waiting for my friend to get off work, so we can hang out. The Telly is on, but there's really nothing of interest for me to watch. Any way you can help a sista by calling...or not...its just that I have a small addiction to my phone:) Enjoy the pictures of my beautiful face:)
FYI: Manena: three - Opponent: Love! I win!!!
so pretty!
Zambian girls RULE!
Indeed the most beautiful women in the world are ZAMBIANS!:)
eeeecho! looking sharp mama! the miracles of soap and water!
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